Since X-mas we've been trying to reduce protein and sugar incomes so our bodies don't suffer anymore than they already did.
There's beef with onions and tomato sauce on top of a leaf of lettuce. Then there's broccoli carrot and rice. We had the same thing for dinner along with a tomato soup bowl.
I'm looking forward for next year's experiments. I hope I finally get my bento boxes (you have no idea how many setbacks I had on getting these >.<) and might buy some bento books. Where I live there's not one single store that sells anything bento related in the whole country.
So, some of my year's resolutions will be:
- Assembling proper bentos;
- Improving my photos of food & background;
- Losing the extra weight from christmas;
- Getting my cat fully healed (she's getting better really slowly and I'm stating to worry if her belly's fungus will ever disappear);
- Get the car back!!;
- Finish my degree so I can get another one;
and some more I just don't feel like writing for now ^^ Wish you all a Happy new year and hope all your resolutions come true!